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Bitlog WMS Onboarding in 4 Steps [+Infographic]

Written by The Bitlog Team | Jul 2, 2024 12:48:22 PM

Let's talk about onboarding for a minute. For us, ensuring customer success is a top priority and in order to do so, we have developed a reliable onboarding process for a seamless experience following four steps.

Download infographic summarizing the onboarding process here.


Why is it important?

First thing's first. Congratulations on making a great decision! And welcome to the Bitlog community.

We believe that having a clear onboarding process is crucial for establishing a strong foundation for a successful relationship.

By following a structured onboarding process, we can ensure that you have a seamless experience right from the start. This not only helps build trust and credibility but also ensures that both parties have clear expectations and roles.



Implementing Bitlog WMS in 4 steps

Here are the four steps that we follow to ensure our customers' success. 🎯


1. Preboarding

In most cases, implementing a WMS brings significant changes to an organization. While management often has a clear understanding of the measurable business outcomes (ROI), the concerns of operational staff may not always align with this vision. It is crucial align expectations and goals to ease the transition and maximize the benefits of Bitlog WMS.

To bridge this gap, we always recommend that we schedule a physical visit to the warehouse site where the WMS will be implemented. 

During the onsite visit, we make sure to:
  • Assess current warehouse operations and processes,
  • identify the type of visibility needed by staff, management, customers, and third-party system providers,
  • discuss the necessity of the change,
  • understand the desired future way to work (methods),
  • and ensure everyone comprehends the reasons behind the changes.
After the onsite visit, Bitlog will work closely with management to align system capabilities with operational requirements and the company's vision, ensuring that the solution is scalable. Before implementing Bitlog WMS, it is important that all stakeholders are committed to the project plan.


2. Onboarding

As soon as the commercial agreement between your business and Bitlog is finalized and signed, we will schedule a kickoff meeting to kickstart the project.

The goal of the kickoff meeting:
  • Review the agreed upon metrics,
  • establish a steering group (depends on the size of the implementation),
  • highlight the emotional impact of integrating Bitlog WMS and ensure stakeholders understand and adjust to the new operational approach,
  • go through the solution design (blueprint) and project plan,
  • and to set an implementation timeline.  

Why do we need a steering group? 

For larger and midsize implementations, we suggest setting up a steering group consisting of representatives from both companies. This group plays a vital role in managing project risks, ensuring alignment with long-term goals, and immediately addressing any issues that may arise. It is important for the steering group to have the necessary expertise and decision-making authority to successfully drive the project forward.

The Bitlog WMS setup

This outlines the steps we take to configure your Bitlog WMS solution, detailing the necessary requirements, configuration process, and the specific order in which everything is set up:

  1. Full data migration from, for example, your ERP-system
  2. We configure the system (Bitlog WMS) based on the agreed upon blueprint
  3. Integration setup and configuration
  4. Introduction and training of superusers


3. Go-live! 🚀

Leading up to the big day, Bitlog and the customer will work together to prepare all necessary tasks and conduct a thorough dress rehearsal. Adequate preparation is key to ensuring a seamless and successful go-live experience.

On the launch day, your dedicated Bitlog's team will be onsite at the warehouse, offering valuable insights and support. This hands-on approach ensures that our customers feel supported and empowered, with our Bitlog team readily available to address any questions that may arise.

We believe that seeing the first orders smoothly flowing through Bitlog WMS brings a sense of joy and accomplishment to both teams, ours and yours.


4. Scaling

Scaling, post launch, have two separate meaning: for you professionally and the Bitlog WMS product.

Scaling Bitlog WMS

After the launch, you will have regular contact with your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to ensure that the Bitlog WMS installation is tailored to your needs. As your business grows the Bitlog WMS software is ready to scale up with you (as mentioned under 'preboarding'). Add new locations, more functionality or extra users as needed.

Scaling professionally

Moreover, you'll have the chance to become part of our expanding Bitlog community of customers and like-minded professionals, enhancing your network and knowledge. As a member of the Bitlog community, you can:

  1. Attend our annual event, Bitlog Summit.
  2. Contribute to the Bitlog standard product roadmap. We take pride in 50% of all new development and improvements being influenced by customer requests and feedback.
  3. Connect with other Bitlog customers on similar growth journeys. 

By following these four steps, we ensure a smooth and successful WMS implementation and onboarding process for you, your team and your warehouse operations.


Click anywhere on the infographic to open it as a PDF and download


Are you curious to learn more about Bitlog WMS? Click here to schedule a call with one of our experts.